IGSuiteIG Framework Demo - Draggable DialogBox
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In IGSuite framework there are many little features able to show data in different ways. One of these is DialogBox() which can show a box after a mouse event and make it draggable.

Try these examples:
 ChiudiMy DialogBox 1
This is the example 1 of a draggable tooltip
Sample DialogBox 1;
 ChiudiMy DialogBox 2
This is the example 2 of a draggable tooltip
Sample DialogBox 2;
 ChiudiMy DialogBox 3
This is the example 3 of a draggable tooltip
Sample DialogBox 3;
 ChiudiMy DialogBox 4
This is the example 4 of a draggable tooltip
Sample DialogBox 4;
 ChiudiMy DialogBox 5
This is the example 5 of a draggable tooltip
Sample DialogBox 5;