IGSuite Environment |
$OS | UNIX |
$auth_user | guest |
$cgi_dir | /srv/www/demo/cgi-bin |
$cgi_name | demo6 |
$cgi_path | cgi-bin |
$cgi_url | http://demo.igsuite.org/cgi-bin |
$client_browser | safari |
$client_os | none |
$conf_dir | /srv/www/demo/cgi-bin/conf |
$db_driver | mysql |
$db_host | localhost |
$db_name | demo |
$db_port | 3306 |
$htdocs_dir | /srv/www/demo/htdocs |
$img_url | /images |
$logs_dir | /srv/www/demo/cgi-bin/log |
$remote_host | ec2-18-222-204-221.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com |
$user_dir | /srv/www/demo/cgi-bin/data/users/guest |
$webpath | none |
PID | 251399 |
Path separator | / |
Perl path | . /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.36.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.36.0 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.36 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.36 /usr/share/perl/5.36 /usr/local/lib/site_perl /srv/www/demo/cgi-bin |
Server Date | 02:33:28 12.03.2025 +0100 |
namespace | main |
Parameters |
action | default_action |
Files included |
/srv/www/demo/cgi-bin/conf/igsuite.conf | |
/srv/www/demo/cgi-bin/lang/it/base_lang | |
/srv/www/demo/cgi-bin/lang/it/default_lang | |
/srv/www/demo/cgi-bin/tema/deepblue_tema | |
B | 1.83 |
Carp | 1.52 |
Config | 5.036000 |
DBD::mysql | 4.050 |
DBI | 1.643 |
DBI::Const::GetInfo::ANSI | |
DBI::Const::GetInfo::ODBC | |
DBI::Const::GetInfoType | |
Devel::DProf | 20110802.00 |
DynaLoader | 1.52 |
Encode | 3.19 |
Encode::Alias | 2.25 |
Encode::Config | 2.05 |
Encode::Encoding | 2.08 |
Encode::MIME::Name | 1.03 |
Exporter | 5.77 |
Exporter::Heavy | 5.77 |
Fcntl | 1.15 |
File::Glob | 1.37 |
IG | 6.0.0 |
IG::CGISimple | |
IG::CGISimpleCookie | |
IG::CGISimpleUtil | |
IG::FormSessions | |
IG::HTMLEntities | |
IG::HTTPBrowserDetect | |
IG::MIMEBase64Perl | |
IG::Mydes | |
IG::TimeZone | |
IG::Utils | |
List::Util | 1.62 |
PerlIO | 1.12 |
PerlIO::encoding | 0.30 |
Scalar::Util | 1.62 |
Storable | 3.26 |
Time::HiRes | 1.977 |
XSLoader | 0.31 |
base | 2.27 |
bytes | 1.08 |
constant | 1.33 |
deprecate | 0.04 |
if | 0.0610 |
integer | 1.01 |
lib | 0.65 |
overload | 1.35 |
overloading | 0.02 |
parent | 0.238 |
strict | 1.12 |
utf8 | 1.24 |
vars | 1.05 |
warnings | 1.58 |
warnings::register | 1.04 |
arrays | IG::EXPORT, IG::EXPORT_FAIL, IG::ISA, IG::db_fields_name, IG::db_fields_num, IG::errmsg |
functions | IG::AddActionButForLinks, IG::AjaxRequestResultsHandler, IG::AlphabetSelector, IG::AutoCloseTask, IG::BackToReferer, IG::Blush, IG::BookingNotes, IG::Br, IG::BuildDoc, IG::BuildLink, IG::CalendarEventsToConfirm, IG::CallMeter, IG::Caller, IG::CheckPrivilege, IG::CheckResourcePrivileges, IG::CheckSameMembership, IG::CkDate, IG::CkExtPlugins, IG::CkHtml, IG::CkPath, IG::CkProtocolDir, IG::CkSign, IG::CkWorkFlow, IG::CleanSessions, IG::CleanWhiteSpaces, IG::CompareDate, IG::ConfigParam, IG::ContactFinder, IG::Crypt, IG::Css, IG::Currency, IG::DTable, IG::DateDifferences, IG::DbDisconnect, IG::DbDisconnectAll, IG::DbDisconnectExtra, IG::DbDump, IG::DbFinish, IG::DbFinishAll, IG::DbQuery, IG::DbQuote, IG::DbWrite, IG::DeUrl, IG::Debug, IG::DelComments, IG::DialogBox, IG::DirCopy, IG::DirWalk, IG::DirectLink, IG::DocHead, IG::FetchGroupedRows, IG::FetchRow, IG::FileCopy, IG::FileStat, IG::FileTouch, IG::FileUnlink, IG::FileUpload, IG::FilterSelector, IG::FormFoot, IG::FormHead, IG::FormValidate, IG::GetAvailableResource, IG::GetDateByFormat, IG::GetDateExtended, IG::GetDateFromTime, IG::GetDayByDate, IG::GetDaysInMonth, IG::GetGradient, IG::GetNiceDate, IG::GetNiceNumber, IG::GetProtocolHref, IG::GetSeener, IG::GetShebang, IG::GetTableVal, IG::GetTags, IG::GetTagsEditor, IG::GetTagsQuery, IG::GetTime, IG::GetUsrByHost, IG::GetValuesByDate, IG::GetWorkingDaysBetweenDates, IG::GrpInf, IG::HLayer, IG::HLayer_responsive, IG::HTitle, IG::HtPasswd, IG::HtmlFoot, IG::HtmlHead, IG::HtmlUntag, IG::HttpHead, IG::Img, IG::InfoBox, IG::Input, IG::InputDocBox, IG::IsResponsive, IG::IsWorkingDay, IG::JsAjaxReq, IG::JsConfirm, IG::JsExec, IG::JsMarkText, IG::JsPopup, IG::JsQuote, IG::KeepInSession, IG::LastDocuments, IG::Lock, IG::LogD, IG::LogF, IG::Logout, IG::Md5Digest, IG::MidColor, IG::MkAChart, IG::MkButton, IG::MkByte, IG::MkCalendar, IG::MkCgiEnv, IG::MkComments, IG::MkEntities, IG::MkEnv, IG::MkIFrame, IG::MkId, IG::MkLastNum, IG::MkLink, IG::MkMapLink, IG::MkMiniButton, IG::MkProtocolList, IG::MkRepository, IG::MkTable, IG::MkTaskPaging, IG::MkUrl, IG::MkUserInitialsCircle, IG::MkUserSession, IG::NormalizeNewline, IG::ParseByte, IG::ParseDoc, IG::ParseLink, IG::ParseQueryString, IG::ParseTags, IG::ParseText, IG::PluginRegister, IG::PopupMenu, IG::PostitBox, IG::PrOut, IG::PrOutReset, IG::PrOutStop, IG::ProtocolToDocType, IG::ProtocolToFile, IG::Qs, IG::QsSet, IG::QuickCreator, IG::QuoteParams, IG::ReadArgv, IG::Redirect, IG::RelatedTo, IG::SearchProtocolId, IG::SelectorToolBox, IG::SendIsms, IG::SetAccessKeys, IG::SetConfigParam, IG::ShowData, IG::ShowLogo, IG::ShowProtocolInfo, IG::Sign, IG::StatusBar, IG::StoreBTR, IG::SumDate, IG::SysExec, IG::TabPane, IG::TagsEdit, IG::TaskFoot, IG::TaskFoot_noTable, IG::TaskHead, IG::TaskHead_noTable, IG::TaskListFoot, IG::TaskListItem, IG::TaskListMenu, IG::TempFileName, IG::TextConvert, IG::TextElide, IG::TextPluralize, IG::ToolBox, IG::ToolTip, IG::TrashDoc, IG::TrashProtocol, IG::UnLock, IG::UserDir, IG::UserHomeDir, IG::UsrInf, IG::Warn, IG::WebDavLink, IG::WrapText, IG::_check_group_privilege, IG::_date_diff, IG::_debug_value, IG::_eolclean, IG::_get_remote_host, IG::_indentclean, IG::_isWikiPageMissing, IG::_leadtrailclean, IG::_parse_square_bracket_links, IG::_protocol_infobox, IG::_protocol_to_link, IG::_set_time_values, IG::_shortcuts, IG::_show_child_handles, IG::_target_is_mainframe, IG::_task_paging_link, IG::_valid_session, IG::croak, IG::gettimeofday, IG::verbose |
hashes | IG::accesskeys, IG::clr, IG::cookie, IG::countries, IG::debug_info, IG::default_lang, IG::docs_type, IG::equipments_conf, IG::executed, IG::ext_app, IG::groups, IG::guest-session-1741743208-Upynm9ly03, IG::holidays, IG::htdocs_path, IG::igwiki_conf, IG::in, IG::input_attr, IG::js_code, IG::lang, IG::languages, IG::ldap_conf, IG::lockCount, IG::menu_item, IG::on, IG::page, IG::plugin_conf, IG::plugins, IG::pop3_conf, IG::privileges, IG::protocol_def, IG::session, IG::set_cookie, IG::smtp_conf, IG::tema, IG::timezones, IG::tv, IG::user_conf, IG::users |
packages | IG::CGIAjax, IG::CGISimple, IG::CGISimpleCookie, IG::CGISimpleUtil, IG::ConfigSimple, IG::DevelSymdump, IG::DigestPerlMD5, IG::EmailValid, IG::FileCopy, IG::FileCopyRecursive, IG::FileFind, IG::FileMMagic, IG::FileWhich, IG::FormSessions, IG::GetoptLong, IG::HTMLEntities, IG::HTTPBrowserDetect, IG::JSONPP, IG::MIMEBase64Perl, IG::Menu, IG::Mydes, IG::NetNTP, IG::NumberFormat, IG::SpreadsheetWriteExcel, IG::System, IG::TextCapitalize, IG::TextPluralize, IG::TextWrap, IG::TimeZone, IG::Utils, IG::WebMail |
scalars | IG::AddActionButForLinks, IG::AjaxRequestResultsHandler, IG::AlphabetSelector, IG::AutoCloseTask, IG::BEGIN, IG::BackToReferer, IG::Blush, IG::BookingNotes, IG::Br, IG::BuildDoc, IG::BuildLink, IG::CGI, IG::CGIAjax::, IG::CGISimple::, IG::CGISimpleCookie::, IG::CGISimpleUtil::, IG::CalendarEventsToConfirm, IG::CallMeter, IG::Caller, IG::CheckPrivilege, IG::CheckResourcePrivileges, IG::CheckSameMembership, IG::CkDate, IG::CkExtPlugins, IG::CkHtml, IG::CkPath, IG::CkProtocolDir, IG::CkSign, IG::CkWorkFlow, IG::CleanSessions, IG::CleanWhiteSpaces, IG::CompareDate, IG::ConfigParam, IG::ConfigSimple::, IG::ContactFinder, IG::Crypt, IG::Css, IG::Currency, IG::DAT, IG::DIR, IG::DIRE, IG::DIT, IG::DOC, IG::DTable, IG::DateDifferences, IG::DbDisconnect, IG::DbDisconnectAll, IG::DbDisconnectExtra, IG::DbDump, IG::DbFinish, IG::DbFinishAll, IG::DbQuery, IG::DbQuote, IG::DbWrite, IG::DeUrl, IG::Debug, IG::DelComments, IG::DevelSymdump::, IG::DialogBox, IG::DigestPerlMD5::, IG::DirCopy, IG::DirWalk, IG::DirectLink, IG::DocHead, IG::EXPORT, IG::EXPORT_FAIL, IG::EmailValid::, IG::FH, IG::FILEUP, IG::FetchGroupedRows, IG::FetchRow, IG::FileCopy, IG::FileCopy::, IG::FileCopyRecursive::, IG::FileFind::, IG::FileMMagic::, IG::FileStat, IG::FileTouch, IG::FileUnlink, IG::FileUpload, IG::FileWhich::, IG::FilterSelector, IG::FormFoot, IG::FormHead, IG::FormSessions::, IG::FormValidate, IG::GetAvailableResource, IG::GetDateByFormat, IG::GetDateExtended, IG::GetDateFromTime, IG::GetDayByDate, IG::GetDaysInMonth, IG::GetGradient, IG::GetNiceDate, IG::GetNiceNumber, IG::GetProtocolHref, IG::GetSeener, IG::GetShebang, IG::GetTableVal, IG::GetTags, IG::GetTagsEditor, IG::GetTagsQuery, IG::GetTime, IG::GetUsrByHost, IG::GetValuesByDate, IG::GetWorkingDaysBetweenDates, IG::GetoptLong::, IG::GrpInf, IG::HLayer, IG::HLayer_responsive, IG::HTMLEntities::, IG::HTTPBrowserDetect::, IG::HTitle, IG::HtPasswd, IG::HtmlFoot, IG::HtmlHead, IG::HtmlUntag, IG::HttpHead, IG::ISA, IG::Img, IG::InfoBox, IG::Input, IG::InputDocBox, IG::IsResponsive, IG::IsWorkingDay, IG::JSONPP::, IG::JsAjaxReq, IG::JsConfirm, IG::JsExec, IG::JsMarkText, IG::JsPopup, IG::JsQuote, IG::KeepInSession, IG::LOCK_EX, IG::LOCK_NB, IG::LOCK_SH, IG::LOCK_UN, IG::LastDocuments, IG::Lock, IG::LogD, IG::LogF, IG::Logout, IG::MIMEBase64Perl::, IG::Md5Digest, IG::Menu::, IG::MidColor, IG::MkAChart, IG::MkButton, IG::MkByte, IG::MkCalendar, IG::MkCgiEnv, IG::MkComments, IG::MkEntities, IG::MkEnv, IG::MkIFrame, IG::MkId, IG::MkLastNum, IG::MkLink, IG::MkMapLink, IG::MkMenu, IG::MkMiniButton, IG::MkProtocolList, IG::MkRepository, IG::MkTable, IG::MkTaskPaging, IG::MkUrl, IG::MkUserInitialsCircle, IG::MkUserSession, IG::Mydes::, IG::NetNTP::, IG::NormalizeNewline, IG::NumberFormat::, IG::OS, IG::PRN, IG::ParseByte, IG::ParseDoc, IG::ParseLink, IG::ParseQueryString, IG::ParseTags, IG::ParseText, IG::PluginRegister, IG::PopupMenu, IG::PostitBox, IG::PrOut, IG::PrOutReset, IG::PrOutStop, IG::ProtocolToDocType, IG::ProtocolToFile, IG::Qs, IG::QsSet, IG::QuickCreator, IG::QuoteParams, IG::RLCK, IG::ReadArgv, IG::Redirect, IG::RelatedTo, IG::S, IG::SESSION, IG::SearchProtocolId, IG::SelectorToolBox, IG::SendIsms, IG::SetAccessKeys, IG::SetConfigParam, IG::ShowData, IG::ShowLogo, IG::ShowProtocolInfo, IG::Sign, IG::SpreadsheetWriteExcel::, IG::StatusBar, IG::StoreBTR, IG::SumDate, IG::SysExec, IG::System::, IG::TOUCH, IG::TabPane, IG::TagsEdit, IG::TaskFoot, IG::TaskFoot_noTable, IG::TaskHead, IG::TaskHead_noTable, IG::TaskListFoot, IG::TaskListItem, IG::TaskListMenu, IG::TempFileName, IG::TextCapitalize::, IG::TextConvert, IG::TextElide, IG::TextPluralize, IG::TextPluralize::, IG::TextWrap::, IG::TimeZone::, IG::ToolBox, IG::ToolTip, IG::TrashDoc, IG::TrashProtocol, IG::UnLock, IG::UserDir, IG::UserHomeDir, IG::UsrInf, IG::Utils::, IG::VERSION, IG::WLCK, IG::Warn, IG::WebDavLink, IG::WebMail::, IG::WrapText, IG::_IS_MOD_PERL, IG::__ANON__, IG::_addAction, IG::_check_group_privilege, IG::_date_diff, IG::_debug_value, IG::_eolclean, IG::_get_remote_host, IG::_indentclean, IG::_isWikiPageMissing, IG::_leadtrailclean, IG::_parse_square_bracket_links, IG::_protocol_infobox, IG::_protocol_to_link, IG::_set_time_values, IG::_shortcuts, IG::_show_child_handles, IG::_target_is_mainframe, IG::_task_paging_link, IG::_valid_session, IG::a, IG::accesskeys, IG::app_nspace, IG::attlimit, IG::auth_user, IG::b, IG::barrafontname, IG::barrafontsize, IG::buttonfontname, IG::buttonfontsize, IG::cgi_dir, IG::cgi_name, IG::cgi_path, IG::cgi_ref, IG::cgi_url, IG::client_browser, IG::client_os, IG::clr, IG::conf_dir, IG::cookie, IG::countries, IG::croak, IG::crypt_key, IG::currency, IG::data_dir, IG::date_format, IG::db_driver, IG::db_encoding, IG::db_fields_name, IG::db_fields_num, IG::db_host, IG::db_login, IG::db_name, IG::db_password, IG::db_persistent, IG::db_port, IG::debug, IG::debug_info, IG::decimal_separator, IG::def_wiki_edit, IG::def_wiki_show, IG::default_lang, IG::demo_version, IG::docs_type, IG::equipments_conf, IG::errmsg, IG::executed, IG::ext_app, IG::folderquota, IG::font_stack, IG::get_ntp_response, IG::gettimeofday, IG::groups, IG::guest-session-1741743208-Upynm9ly03, IG::hashedmailspools, IG::holidays, IG::homedirspoolname, IG::homedirspools, IG::hosts_allow, IG::htaccess_contacts, IG::htdocs_dir, IG::htdocs_path, IG::hylafax_dir, IG::hylafax_host, IG::hylafax_login, IG::hylafax_port, IG::hylafax_pwd, IG::igwiki_conf, IG::img_url, IG::import, IG::in, IG::input_attr, IG::js_code, IG::lan, IG::lang, IG::lang_charset, IG::languages, IG::ldap_conf, IG::link, IG::list_order, IG::lockCount, IG::login_admin, IG::logs_dir, IG::mailspooldir, IG::menu_item, IG::menufontname, IG::menufontsize, IG::on, IG::page, IG::page_results, IG::plugin_conf, IG::plugins, IG::pop3_conf, IG::privileges, IG::protocol_def, IG::prout_page, IG::pwd_admin, IG::query_string, IG::remote_host, IG::request_method, IG::responsive_session, IG::samesite_cookie, IG::screen_size, IG::server_name, IG::session, IG::session_timeout, IG::set_cookie, IG::smtp_conf, IG::soc_address, IG::soc_city, IG::soc_contactid, IG::soc_country, IG::soc_email, IG::soc_email_footer, IG::soc_email_logo, IG::soc_fax, IG::soc_logo, IG::soc_name, IG::soc_prov, IG::soc_site, IG::soc_tel, IG::soc_zip, IG::tasksfontname, IG::tasksfontsize, IG::tema, IG::temp_dir, IG::thousands_separator, IG::timeoffset, IG::timezones, IG::tv, IG::use_internal_help, IG::user_conf, IG::user_dir, IG::users, IG::users_allow, IG::verbose, IG::webpath, IG::www_user |
unknowns |
CGI Environment |
CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT | /srv/www/demo/cgi-bin/ |
CONTEXT_PREFIX | /cgi-bin/ |
DOCUMENT_ROOT | /srv/www/demo/htdocs |
HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING | gzip br zstd deflate |
HTTP_HOST | demo.igsuite.org |
HTTP_USER_AGENT | Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com) |
IG_DEBUG_ID | 1741743207uSMhxJMUQT |
PATH | /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin |
PERL5DB | use Devel::DProf |
PERL_DPROF_OUT_FILE_NAME | /srv/www/demo/cgi-bin/data/temp/1741743207uSMhxJMUQT.dprof |
REMOTE_HOST | ec2-18-222-204-221.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com |
REMOTE_PORT | 46244 |
REQUEST_URI | /cgi-bin/demo6 |
SCRIPT_FILENAME | /srv/www/demo/cgi-bin/demo6 |
SCRIPT_NAME | /cgi-bin/demo6 |
SERVER_ADMIN | info@igsuite.org |
SERVER_NAME | demo.igsuite.org |
SERVER_SIGNATURE | <address>Apache/2.4.57 (Debian) Server at demo.igsuite.org Port 80</address> |
SERVER_SOFTWARE | Apache/2.4.57 (Debian) |
drh DBI::dr=HASH(0x5566abf47be0) dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398) sth DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac17e330) dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x5566ac1759c0)
DBI 1.643-ithread default trace level set to 0x0/4 (pid 251398 pi 5555b0fc32a0) at IG.pm line 945 via demo6 line 28 DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32620) trace level set to 0x0/2 (DBI @ 0x0/0) in DBI 1.643-ithread (pid 251399) -> prepare for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620 'delete from sessions_cache where sessionid like '%guest-session-1741735981-hqokf03ZyP%' or keydate+2 < current_date') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_prepare MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610, SQL statement: delete from sessions_cache where sessionid like '%guest-session-1741735981-hqokf03ZyP%' or keydate+2 < current_date >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets >count_params statement delete from sessions_cache where sessionid like '%guest-session-1741735981-hqokf03ZyP%' or keydate+2 < current_date <- dbd_st_prepare <- prepare= ( DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf31ee8) ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9995 -> execute for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf31ee8)~0x5566abf31fd8) thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_execute for 5566ab12f5f0 >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets mysql_st_internal_execute MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610 >parse_params statement delete from sessions_cache where sessionid like '%guest-session-1741735981-hqokf03ZyP%' or keydate+2 < current_date <- dbd_st_execute returning imp_sth->row_num 8 <- execute= ( 8 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10004 -> err in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf31ee8)~0x5566abf31fd8) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- err= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10005 -> ping for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- ping= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9936 -> prepare for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620 'insert into system_log values ('1741743208BqiSc', 'logout', 'users', 'guest', '2025.03.12', '02:33:28', 'guest', '', 'guest-session-1741735981-hqokf03ZyP from ')') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_prepare MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610, SQL statement: insert into system_log values ('1741743208BqiSc', 'logout', 'users', 'guest', '2025.03.12', '02:33:28', 'guest', '', 'guest-session-1741735981-hqokf03ZyP from ') >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets >count_params statement insert into system_log values ('1741743208BqiSc', 'logout', 'users', 'guest', '2025.03.12', '02:33:28', 'guest', '', 'guest-session-1741735981-hqokf03ZyP from ') <- dbd_st_prepare <- prepare= ( DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf25108) ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9995 -> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf31fd8)~INNER) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- DESTROY= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9996 -> execute for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf25108)~0x5566abf25150) thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_execute for 5566abf31eb8 >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets mysql_st_internal_execute MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610 >parse_params statement insert into system_log values ('1741743208BqiSc', 'logout', 'users', 'guest', '2025.03.12', '02:33:28', 'guest', '', 'guest-session-1741735981-hqokf03ZyP from ') <- dbd_st_execute returning imp_sth->row_num 1 <- execute= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10004 -> err in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf25108)~0x5566abf25150) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- err= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10005 -> ping for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- ping= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9936 -> prepare for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620 'delete from sessions_btr where owner=''') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_prepare MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610, SQL statement: delete from sessions_btr where owner='' >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets >count_params statement delete from sessions_btr where owner='' <- dbd_st_prepare <- prepare= ( DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf25180) ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9995 -> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf25150)~INNER) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- DESTROY= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9996 -> execute for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf25180)~0x5566ab1be048) thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_execute for 5566abf25090 >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets mysql_st_internal_execute MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610 >parse_params statement delete from sessions_btr where owner='' <- dbd_st_execute returning imp_sth->row_num 0 <- execute= ( '0E0' ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10004 -> err in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf25180)~0x5566ab1be048) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- err= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10005 -> ping for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- ping= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9936 -> prepare for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620 'delete from sessions_cache where sessionid like '%guest-session-1741736365-PZsHB3qxq3%' or keydate+2 < current_date') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_prepare MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610, SQL statement: delete from sessions_cache where sessionid like '%guest-session-1741736365-PZsHB3qxq3%' or keydate+2 < current_date >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets >count_params statement delete from sessions_cache where sessionid like '%guest-session-1741736365-PZsHB3qxq3%' or keydate+2 < current_date <- dbd_st_prepare <- prepare= ( DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf31e88) ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9995 -> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ab1be048)~INNER) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- DESTROY= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9996 -> execute for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf31e88)~0x5566abf25000) thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_execute for 5566abf31fd8 >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets mysql_st_internal_execute MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610 >parse_params statement delete from sessions_cache where sessionid like '%guest-session-1741736365-PZsHB3qxq3%' or keydate+2 < current_date <- dbd_st_execute returning imp_sth->row_num 4 <- execute= ( 4 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10004 -> err in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf31e88)~0x5566abf25000) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- err= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10005 -> ping for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- ping= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9936 -> prepare for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620 'insert into system_log values ('1741743208yWbLl', 'logout', 'users', 'guest', '2025.03.12', '02:33:28', 'guest', '', 'guest-session-1741736365-PZsHB3qxq3 from ')') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_prepare MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610, SQL statement: insert into system_log values ('1741743208yWbLl', 'logout', 'users', 'guest', '2025.03.12', '02:33:28', 'guest', '', 'guest-session-1741736365-PZsHB3qxq3 from ') >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets >count_params statement insert into system_log values ('1741743208yWbLl', 'logout', 'users', 'guest', '2025.03.12', '02:33:28', 'guest', '', 'guest-session-1741736365-PZsHB3qxq3 from ') <- dbd_st_prepare <- prepare= ( DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf25078) ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9995 -> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf25000)~INNER) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- DESTROY= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9996 -> execute for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf25078)~0x5566abf25258) thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_execute for 5566abf25060 >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets mysql_st_internal_execute MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610 >parse_params statement insert into system_log values ('1741743208yWbLl', 'logout', 'users', 'guest', '2025.03.12', '02:33:28', 'guest', '', 'guest-session-1741736365-PZsHB3qxq3 from ') <- dbd_st_execute returning imp_sth->row_num 1 <- execute= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10004 -> err in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf25078)~0x5566abf25258) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- err= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10005 -> ping for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- ping= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9936 -> prepare for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620 'delete from sessions_btr where owner=''') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_prepare MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610, SQL statement: delete from sessions_btr where owner='' >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets >count_params statement delete from sessions_btr where owner='' <- dbd_st_prepare <- prepare= ( DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf31fd8) ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9995 -> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf25258)~INNER) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- DESTROY= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9996 -> execute for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf31fd8)~0x5566abf31e58) thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_execute for 5566abf24ee0 >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets mysql_st_internal_execute MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610 >parse_params statement delete from sessions_btr where owner='' <- dbd_st_execute returning imp_sth->row_num 0 <- execute= ( '0E0' ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10004 -> err in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf31fd8)~0x5566abf31e58) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- err= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10005 -> ping for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- ping= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9936 -> prepare for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620 'delete from sessions_cache where sessionid like '%guest-session-1741736367-7lBsW2C3eN%' or keydate+2 < current_date') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_prepare MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610, SQL statement: delete from sessions_cache where sessionid like '%guest-session-1741736367-7lBsW2C3eN%' or keydate+2 < current_date >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets >count_params statement delete from sessions_cache where sessionid like '%guest-session-1741736367-7lBsW2C3eN%' or keydate+2 < current_date <- dbd_st_prepare <- prepare= ( DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf24ec8) ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9995 -> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf31e58)~INNER) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- DESTROY= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9996 -> execute for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf24ec8)~0x5566abf25258) thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_execute for 5566abf25228 >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets mysql_st_internal_execute MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610 >parse_params statement delete from sessions_cache where sessionid like '%guest-session-1741736367-7lBsW2C3eN%' or keydate+2 < current_date <- dbd_st_execute returning imp_sth->row_num 4 <- execute= ( 4 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10004 -> err in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf24ec8)~0x5566abf25258) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- err= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10005 -> ping for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- ping= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9936 -> prepare for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620 'insert into system_log values ('174174320859xKo', 'logout', 'users', 'guest', '2025.03.12', '02:33:28', 'guest', '', 'guest-session-1741736367-7lBsW2C3eN from ')') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_prepare MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610, SQL statement: insert into system_log values ('174174320859xKo', 'logout', 'users', 'guest', '2025.03.12', '02:33:28', 'guest', '', 'guest-session-1741736367-7lBsW2C3eN from ') >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets >count_params statement insert into system_log values ('174174320859xKo', 'logout', 'users', 'guest', '2025.03.12', '02:33:28', 'guest', '', 'guest-session-1741736367-7lBsW2C3eN from ') <- dbd_st_prepare <- prepare= ( DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf24e68) ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9995 -> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf25258)~INNER) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- DESTROY= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9996 -> execute for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf24e68)~0x5566abf31e28) thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_execute for 5566abf31cf0 >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets mysql_st_internal_execute MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610 >parse_params statement insert into system_log values ('174174320859xKo', 'logout', 'users', 'guest', '2025.03.12', '02:33:28', 'guest', '', 'guest-session-1741736367-7lBsW2C3eN from ') <- dbd_st_execute returning imp_sth->row_num 1 <- execute= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10004 -> err in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf24e68)~0x5566abf31e28) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- err= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10005 -> ping for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- ping= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9936 -> prepare for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620 'delete from sessions_btr where owner=''') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_prepare MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610, SQL statement: delete from sessions_btr where owner='' >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets >count_params statement delete from sessions_btr where owner='' <- dbd_st_prepare <- prepare= ( DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf25258) ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9995 -> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf31e28)~INNER) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- DESTROY= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9996 -> execute for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf25258)~0x5566abf25138) thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_execute for 5566abf24dc0 >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets mysql_st_internal_execute MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610 >parse_params statement delete from sessions_btr where owner='' <- dbd_st_execute returning imp_sth->row_num 0 <- execute= ( '0E0' ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10004 -> err in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf25258)~0x5566abf25138) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- err= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10005 -> ping for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- ping= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9936 -> prepare for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620 'delete from last_elements_log where issuedate+10 < current_date') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_prepare MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610, SQL statement: delete from last_elements_log where issuedate+10 < current_date >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets >count_params statement delete from last_elements_log where issuedate+10 < current_date <- dbd_st_prepare <- prepare= ( DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf31e28) ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9995 -> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf25138)~INNER) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- DESTROY= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9996 -> execute for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf31e28)~0x5566abf24ee0) thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_execute for 5566ab12f650 >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets mysql_st_internal_execute MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610 >parse_params statement delete from last_elements_log where issuedate+10 < current_date <- dbd_st_execute returning imp_sth->row_num 0 <- execute= ( '0E0' ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10004 -> err in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf31e28)~0x5566abf24ee0) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- err= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10005 -> ping for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- ping= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9936 -> prepare for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620 'delete from sessions_btr where owner=''') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_prepare MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610, SQL statement: delete from sessions_btr where owner='' >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets >count_params statement delete from sessions_btr where owner='' <- dbd_st_prepare <- prepare= ( DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf250f0) ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9995 -> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf24ee0)~INNER) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- DESTROY= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9996 -> execute for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf250f0)~0x5566abf24da8) thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_execute for 5566abf24d30 >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets mysql_st_internal_execute MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610 >parse_params statement delete from sessions_btr where owner='' <- dbd_st_execute returning imp_sth->row_num 0 <- execute= ( '0E0' ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10004 -> err in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf250f0)~0x5566abf24da8) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- err= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10005 -> ping for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- ping= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9936 -> prepare for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620 'insert into system_log values ('174174320867Vt3', 'login', 'users', 'guest', '2025.03.12', '02:33:28', 'guest', 'ec2-18-222-204-221.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com', 'guest-session-1741743208-Upynm9ly03,Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)')') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_prepare MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610, SQL statement: insert into system_log values ('174174320867Vt3', 'login', 'users', 'guest', '2025.03.12', '02:33:28', 'guest', 'ec2-18-222-204-221.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com', 'guest-session-1741743208-Upynm9ly03,Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)') >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets >count_params statement insert into system_log values ('174174320867Vt3', 'login', 'users', 'guest', '2025.03.12', '02:33:28', 'guest', 'ec2-18-222-204-221.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com', 'guest-session-1741743208-Upynm9ly03,Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)') <- dbd_st_prepare <- prepare= ( DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac0bd590) ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9995 -> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566abf24da8)~INNER) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- DESTROY= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9996 -> execute for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac0bd590)~0x5566ac0bd518) thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_execute for 5566abf31df8 >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets mysql_st_internal_execute MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610 >parse_params statement insert into system_log values ('174174320867Vt3', 'login', 'users', 'guest', '2025.03.12', '02:33:28', 'guest', 'ec2-18-222-204-221.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com', 'guest-session-1741743208-Upynm9ly03,Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)') <- dbd_st_execute returning imp_sth->row_num 1 <- execute= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10004 -> err in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac0bd590)~0x5566ac0bd518) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- err= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10005 DBI::db=HASH(0x5566ac175780) trace level set to 0x0/2 (DBI @ 0x0/0) in DBI 1.643-ithread (pid 251399) -> prepare for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566ac1759c0)~0x5566ac175780 'select url, id from sessions_btr where owner='guest' and iframeid='' order by id desc limit 1') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_prepare MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610, SQL statement: select url, id from sessions_btr where owner='guest' and iframeid='' order by id desc limit 1 >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets >count_params statement select url, id from sessions_btr where owner='guest' and iframeid='' order by id desc limit 1 <- dbd_st_prepare <- prepare= ( DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac175c48) ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9995 -> execute for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac175c48)~0x5566ac175b40) thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_execute for 5566ac0bd5c0 >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets mysql_st_internal_execute MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610 >parse_params statement select url, id from sessions_btr where owner='guest' and iframeid='' order by id desc limit 1 <- dbd_st_execute returning imp_sth->row_num 1 <- execute= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10004 -> err in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac175c48)~0x5566ac175b40) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- err= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10005 -> FETCH for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac175b40)~INNER 'NUM_OF_FIELDS') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_FETCH_attrib for 5566ac0bd5c0, key NUM_OF_FIELDS <- FETCH= ( 2 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10016 -> FETCH for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac175b40)~INNER 'mysql_type_name') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_FETCH_attrib for 5566ac0bd5c0, key mysql_type_name <- FETCH= ( [ 'blob' 'varchar' ] ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10020 -> FETCH for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac175b40)~INNER 'mysql_type_name') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_FETCH_attrib for 5566ac0bd5c0, key mysql_type_name <- FETCH= ( [ 'blob' 'varchar' ] ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10020 -> FETCH for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac175b40)~INNER 'mysql_type_name') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_FETCH_attrib for 5566ac0bd5c0, key mysql_type_name <- FETCH= ( [ 'blob' 'varchar' ] ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10020 -> fetchrow_array for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac175c48)~0x5566ac175b40) thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_fetch dbd_st_fetch for 5566ac0bd5c0, chopblanks 0 dbd_st_fetch result set details imp_sth->result=5566ac16eac0 mysql_num_fields=2 mysql_num_rows=1 mysql_affected_rows=1 dbd_st_fetch for 5566ac0bd5c0, currow= 1 <- dbd_st_fetch, 2 cols <- fetchrow_array= ( 'igwiki' '1741736492MPPCI' ) [2 items] row1 at IG.pm line 10285 -> ping for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- ping= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9936 -> prepare for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32398)~0x5566abf32620 'insert into sessions_btr values ('1741743208dHeFf', 'demo6', 'guest', '')') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_prepare MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610, SQL statement: insert into sessions_btr values ('1741743208dHeFf', 'demo6', 'guest', '') >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets >count_params statement insert into sessions_btr values ('1741743208dHeFf', 'demo6', 'guest', '') <- dbd_st_prepare <- prepare= ( DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac17e330) ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9995 -> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac0bd518)~INNER) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- DESTROY= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9996 -> execute for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac17e330)~0x5566ac17e2b8) thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_execute for 5566ac175c78 >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets mysql_st_internal_execute MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610 >parse_params statement insert into sessions_btr values ('1741743208dHeFf', 'demo6', 'guest', '') <- dbd_st_execute returning imp_sth->row_num 1 <- execute= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10004 -> err in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac17e330)~0x5566ac17e2b8) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- err= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10005 -> ping for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566ac1759c0)~0x5566ac175780) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- ping= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9936 -> prepare for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566ac1759c0)~0x5566ac175780 'select id, for_code from workflow where status=1 and (for_cginame='' or for_cginame='demo6') and (for_users='all' or for_users='guest') and (for_action='' or for_action='default_action') and (for_startdate<='2025.03.12' and for_enddate>='2025.03.12') order by priority') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_prepare MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610, SQL statement: select id, for_code from workflow where status=1 and (for_cginame='' or for_cginame='demo6') and (for_users='all' or for_users='guest') and (for_action='' or for_action='default_action') and (for_startdate<='2025.03.12' and for_enddate>='2025.03.12') order by priority >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets >count_params statement select id, for_code from workflow where status=1 and (for_cginame='' or for_cginame='demo6') and (for_users='all' or for_users='guest') and (for_action='' or for_action='default_action') and (for_startdate<='2025.03.12' and for_enddate>='2025.03.12') order by priority <- dbd_st_prepare <- prepare= ( DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac17e210) ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9995 -> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac175b40)~INNER) thr#5566aafd62a0 --> dbd_st_finish >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets <-- dbd_st_finish <- DESTROY= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 9996 -> execute for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac17e210)~0x5566ac174e50) thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_execute for 5566ac17e360 >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets mysql_st_internal_execute MYSQL_VERSION_ID 100610 >parse_params statement select id, for_code from workflow where status=1 and (for_cginame='' or for_cginame='demo6') and (for_users='all' or for_users='guest') and (for_action='' or for_action='default_action') and (for_startdate<='2025.03.12' and for_enddate>='2025.03.12') order by priority <- dbd_st_execute returning imp_sth->row_num 0 <- execute= ( '0E0' ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10004 -> err in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac17e210)~0x5566ac174e50) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- err= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10005 -> FETCH for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac174e50)~INNER 'NUM_OF_FIELDS') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_FETCH_attrib for 5566ac17e360, key NUM_OF_FIELDS <- FETCH= ( 2 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10016 -> FETCH for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac174e50)~INNER 'mysql_type_name') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_FETCH_attrib for 5566ac17e360, key mysql_type_name <- FETCH= ( [ 'varchar' 'blob' ] ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10020 -> FETCH for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac174e50)~INNER 'mysql_type_name') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_FETCH_attrib for 5566ac17e360, key mysql_type_name <- FETCH= ( [ 'varchar' 'blob' ] ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10020 -> FETCH for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac174e50)~INNER 'mysql_type_name') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_FETCH_attrib for 5566ac17e360, key mysql_type_name <- FETCH= ( [ 'varchar' 'blob' ] ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10020 -> fetchrow_array for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac17e210)~0x5566ac174e50) thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_fetch dbd_st_fetch for 5566ac17e360, chopblanks 0 dbd_st_fetch result set details imp_sth->result=5566ac16e7f0 mysql_num_fields=2 mysql_num_rows=0 mysql_affected_rows=0 dbd_st_fetch for 5566ac17e360, currow= 1 dbd_st_fetch, no more rows to fetch --> dbd_st_finish >- dbd_st_free_result_sets <- dbd_st_free_result_sets RC -1 <- dbd_st_free_result_sets <-- dbd_st_finish <- fetchrow_array= ( ) [0 items] at IG.pm line 10285 -> finish for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac17e210)~0x5566ac174e50) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- finish= ( 1 ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10446 -> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac174e50)~INNER) thr#5566aafd62a0 <- DESTROY= ( undef ) [1 items] at IG.pm line 10448 -> FETCH for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566abf32620)~INNER 'Type') thr#5566aafd62a0 <- FETCH= ( 'db' ) [1 items] at Utils.pm line 382 <> FETCH= ( [ undef undef undef undef undef undef undef undef undef undef undef undef DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac17e330) ] ) [1 items] ('ChildHandles' from cache) at Utils.pm line 383 -> FETCH for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac17e2b8)~INNER 'Type') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_FETCH_attrib for 5566ac175c78, key Type <- FETCH= ( 'st' ) [1 items] at Utils.pm line 382 -> FETCH for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x5566ac17e2b8)~INNER 'ChildHandles') thr#5566aafd62a0 -> dbd_st_FETCH_attrib for 5566ac175c78, key ChildHandles <- FETCH= ( [ ] ) [1 items] at Utils.pm line 383 -> FETCH for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x5566ac175780)~INNER 'Type') thr#5566aafd62a0 <- FETCH= ( 'db' ) [1 items] at Utils.pm line 382 <> FETCH= ( [ undef undef ] ) [1 items] ('ChildHandles' from cache) at Utils.pm line 383